Dev Diary
The interview series where we dive into the history of those who make your favourite games
3 years ago

Episode 49: Amanda & Bill Gardner (Bioshock, Bioshock Infinite, Perception, Romancelvania)

The Game Dev Power Couple

Bill has been in game development for many years, his wife Amanda, despite having a great love of games, was in fact a teacher. Yet it was their marriage, shared love of games and just the right combination of circumstances that lead them to form a studio together... and the rest is history. Both Amanda and Bill join Paul in the latest entry of Dev Diary to talk all about managing a family together whilst also building their own creative projects together, the complications of developing from home with children, Romancelvania (yep you read that right!) and a whole lot more!

Follow Paul and submit your ideas for future guests on Twitter Visit the Player2 Website and the Player2 Youtube Channel where you can also follow his written and video exploits including reviews, feature pieces and shows such as Patched, The Insider and Gamer School

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