Dev Diary
The interview series where we dive into the history of those who make your favourite games
1 year ago

Episode 100: Grant Parker (Marvel's Wolverine, Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart, Rise Of The Tomb Raider, Star Wars 1313)

Measuring Passion Differently

Having worked on not only some of the biggest IP in video games, but some of the biggest IP in all entertainment, what keeps Grant Parker motivated? Well as it turns out the passion never fades, but you can always find ways to complete your work in a more sustainable way. Join Paul and Grant in this huge milestone episode to discuss Star Wars 1313, Tomb Raider, Ratchet & Clank, Wolverine and his incredible journey so far!

Thank you for joining me in this journey to 100 episodes!

Follow Paul and submit your ideas for future guests on Twitter Visit the Player2 Website and the Player2 Youtube Channel where you can also follow his written and video exploits including reviews, feature pieces and shows such as Patched, The Insider and Gamer School